
10 Best Pet-Friendly Plants for Your Home

10 Best Pet-Friendly Plants for Your Home | plantsnobiety

Nothing beats the feeling of getting a gorgeous new plant and bringing it home. Greening up the space, detoxifying air, being a new awesome addition in that already full plant shelf… But it’s not all so easy if you live with a dog or a cat. Monsteras? Sansevierias? Philodendrons? Even the most common houseplants can be a no-no if you are a pet owner. Even if pets munching on plants isn’t something you’ve experienced so far, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Luckily, there’s still plenty of houseplant families and varieties you can choose from. Here is our list of 10 houseplants that are adorable and won’t compromise your pet’s safety.

1. Musa Acuminata

Dwarf bananas are a must have for any tropical plant-loving soul. Their giant paper-thin leaves will make your home feel like an exotic vacation destination in no time. Banana plants thrive warm, low-humidity conditions with a lot of light. They are pet-safe, but be careful with their leaves as they tend to rip if you as much as breathe too loud…

2. Rex Begonia Vine

Beautiful, otherworldly-looking plants with frosted magenta leaves on long gangly stems. Rex Begonia Vine Grows pretty fast, best in bright indirect light. Very low maintenance while being a great eye-catcher.

3. Fittonia

I’ve already talked about Fittonias in our extensive Pink Plants guide. These small, inconspicuous planties are perfect for pet owners as well as over-waterers as they love to stay wet. Coming in many colours and always put on a great show when thirsty. Terrarium plants are perfect as your pet won’t be able to reach them through the glass.

4. Air Plants

Tillandsias are really fascinating and easy to care for. Coming in many shapes and sizes, they add a bit of a designer touch and act as a great conversation piece. I love explaining how they basically don’t need anything to survive.

5. Staghorn Fern

These interesting, ornamental, almost sculpture-like plants resemble the forked antlers of male deer or elk. They are therefore a great plant to mount on a vertical wall where it is out of your pet’s reach as well.

6. Boston fern

Surely you remember having this one in your home when you were a kid. Good news is Boston Fern is non-toxic to both cats and dogs. Remember to keep the soil moist at all times. These lush plants really love humidity so cooler bathrooms with large windows and sheer curtains are the best place to keep them.

7. Rattlesnake Calathea
Rattlesnake plants are really cool-looking houseplants with distinctly-patterned leaves that are easy to come by as well as care for. Just water every 1 to two weeks so that the plant is evenly moist, not soggy, and give it loads of indirect light. As they are members of the prayer plant family, their leaves raise and lower depending on the time of the day. In the evening, it looks like they’re praying with their leaves folded up!

8. Pilea

Pilea is extremely popular at the time. She goes by several nicknames. Pancake or UFO plant due to its circular leaves as well as the friendship plant as it's super easy to propagate and gift to your loved ones. Try it!

9. Maranta

These low-growing plants native to the American tropics boast some of the most striking foliage out there. Similarly to Rattlesnake Calathea, the plant also folds up her leaves at night. They thrive in greenhouse-like conditions. Keep them warm, moist and fertilized. Never place your maranta plants in direct sunlight as it will scorch the leaves.

10. Hoya kerii
This type of hoya is not only pet-friendly but also incredibly adorable due to its perfectly heart-shaped leaves. If you still don’t have one, you may be able do bump into them around the Valentine’s day. If you’re growing your Hoya kerii from that one upright-standing heart-shaped leaf, please note it will take AGES for her to grow a stem if she grows one at all. Other lovely pet-safe hoyas include Hoya carnosa compacta or Hoya pubicalyx.
That is it for our list of 10 Popular Pet-Friendly Houseplants. Please note, that even though these plants are not poisonous to your pets, it doesn’t mean they are pet-proof.  Your kitty or doggy can still go at them and try to munch or play with them. The purpose of this blog is to help you choose plants that will not harm your pets even when ingested. If you already own a plant we haven’t mentioned here, you may want to review this list of toxic and non-toxic plants available here on the ASPCA website. 

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